Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Another Sad Story

I read another tragic story in the education world: a student stabbed his professor and committed suicide. The police suspected this happened because of the rumor of scholarship termination by the faculty. The student was expected to graduate this year. (Summarized from what I read in detiknews.com)

Berita ini sangat menyedihkan bagi saya. Sayang sekali mahasiswa tersebut tidak memikirkan alternative lain dalam menanggapi rumor-yang belum tentu benar-ini. Saya tidak menggampangkan masalah uang, tapi tentu ada solusi lain untuk bisa menyelesaikan masalah keuangan tanpa harus berakhir seperti ini.

Apakah ini menunjukkan bahwa orang-orang pada zaman sekarang lebih mudah frustrasi dan hilang akal? Hhmm... it's not my area to comment about this, but most of all, I am feeling a great condolence for the student, for the professor, and for the education world. Wish this won't happen again ever in the future.