Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What if...

If I were about to tell my brain to tell my body that it doesn't feel good so I can have an excuse not to come to the office tomorrow, what will happen?

[picture from HERE]

Aku Jatuh Cinta Lagi!

Entah berapa lama aku tak merasakan hal ini.
Jantungku berdegup, berdebar-debar.
Ada sesuatu di dalam diriku ketika memandanginya.
Melucuti sampulnya.
Dan membuka halaman demi halamannya.
Sambil menikmati semua detil yang ada.
Tak ingin ada yang terlewatkan.

Ketika kata demi kata mengalir,
Aku semakin terpesona.
Aku jatuh cinta lagi!

Namun, dengan segala hormat, aku menolak untuk terbunuh tanpa perlawanan. 
[Nagabumi hlm 7]

[gambar sampul dipinjam dari sini]

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

To spend my whole damn life

life is scary and short, and i love you.
and i've been stupid, and i can't be stupid anymore. 
i have to be with you. we have to be together. 
and something good has to happen tonight. please. 
i want to spend my whole damn life with you. 
[cooper in pp s03e23]

[picture from HERE]